15 Sep How Can I Prepare My Child For School This Year?
As parents, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your child is ready for the upcoming school year. While buying supplies is an essential part of this process, you must not overlook the medical aspect of preparation as well. Due to the pandemic, preparing for this school year will likely be unlike any other in recent memory. Fortunately, our team at Pediatric Associates of Planview is here to help. We’d like to inform you of what to do before the first class bell rings, as well as ways you can keep them protected throughout the year.
Annual Visit
Most children will need to undergo an annual visit to the doctor’s office before the school year starts. Doing so allows our team to continuously check your child’s development, and ensure they are healthy enough to attend school as planned. During this annual exam, the following will be assessed:
- Vitals such as blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing.
- Vaccination history to determine if they will need any shots before the school year.
- Their physical development progress.
- Whether or not they are cleared to participate in school-sanctioned sports.
Have Masks Ready
Following their appointment, it will be time for you as a parent to prepare your child for schooling. While there is still a chance that schools get closed down, and virtual learning continues, for the time being, New York has been putting plans in place for children to return to school. Should this take place, it’s important to have multiple masks ready for your child to wear, in case one becomes lost or damaged. Also, sit down with them and discuss the importance of wearing a mask.
Stress The Importance Of Safety
When children completed the remainder of their last school year at home, it was likely easy to monitor their sanitation habits. Now with them returning to school, you’ll need to gear them with the necessary information so that they can follow safety procedures. Before their first day, make sure your children understand the necessity to comply with the following:
- Stay six feet apart from teachers and other students when possible.
- Don’t remove the masks.
- Always wash hands with soap for at least 20 seconds.
- Don’t share food or drinks with friends.
- Use hand sanitizer when it is available.
Contact Our Team
At Pediatric Associates of Plainview, our team knows that this school year will be unlike any other. That is why it’s crucial to have a gameplan. We’re happy to discuss with parents how they can keep their children safe this year. For more information, or to schedule your child’s yearly appointment, contact us today.
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