Levittown Pediatrics

Our Practice For Levittown Pediatrics

Dr. Gail Kaden, Dr. Ilyse Nayor, and Dr. Brian Rabinowitz are pleased to introduce you to Pediatric Associates of Plainview, an independently owned and operated practice for Levittown Pediatrics. Our philosophy, dating back to when we initially began this practice in 1999, was and is to give quality pediatric care with a personal touch.

Dr. Kaden, Dr. Nayor, and Dr. Rabinowitz are board-certified pediatricians, fellows of the American Academy of Pediatrics and members of the Nassau Pediatric Society. Since completing the residency program at Long Island Jewish Medical Center (Cohen Children’s Medical Center), all three doctors have remained involved in teaching.

We encourage wellness checks at the following intervals


2 to 4 days after leaving hospital.


Every month for the first six months of life, then every 2-3 months until one year of age.


Every three months between ages 1 and 2, then at age 2 ½.


Every year from ages 3 to 23.

Our On-Call Schedule For Levittown Pediatrics:

Either Dr. Kaden, Dr. Nayor, or Dr. Rabinowitz are on call. There is no covering group; we are always available for our patients through our service at (516) 656-5238. (Our service number is also available after hours on our answering machine.) Same-day sick appointments are routinely available. Sunday morning urgent care visits are also available


Our hospital privileges are at:

North Shore University Hospital at Manhasset
Cohen Children’s Medical Center (Northwell)
Winthrop Hospital in Mineola (NYU Langone)

We accept many insurance plans, including the following:

1199 SEIU
Anthem BCBS (Commercial, Child Health Plus)
Beech Street Corporation
Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Emblem (HIP Premium Network, HIP Prime, CHP, Medicaid)
Empire Government (NYSHIP)
GHI- HMO, CBP Network
Great West
Health First (Medicaid, Child Health Plus)
Horizon Healthcare
Letters Carriers
Oxford Health Plan
United Healthcare

Recent Blog Posts From Our Local Levittown Pediatrics

Postnatal Depression

Postnatal Depressions DiagnosisGiving birth can be an emotional and overwhelming experience. It is normal for new mothers to feel joyful and excited for the birth of their baby, albeit nervous about raising a newborn. But there is another set of emotions that are also very common, typically called “the baby blues.” About 8 in 10 women have feelings of sadness, restlessness, crankiness, and become very tearful after giving birth. These feelings are very normal and usually go away within two weeks with rest, care, and a good diet. However, if these feelings persist or worsen, then you may be experiencing what is called postnatal depression. If you believe you are suffering from postnatal depression and require the help of Levittown Pediatrics, reach out to Pediatric Associates of Plainview today.

What is Postnatal Depression? Help From Levittown Pediatrics

There is no single cause for postnatal depression. Doctors believe that the emotional and physical effects of childbirth play a role in causing the associated symptoms. After birth, your hormone levels drop significantly, and when combined with the emotional instability from being sleep deprived and overwhelmed, this can leave you feeling tired, sluggish, and like you have lost control of your life. While the feelings of postnatal depression are very normal, they should subside within about two weeks. However, if they do not subside, or if they worsen over time, you may have postnatal depression. Some common symptoms of postnatal depression include: 

  • Feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or hopeless.
  • Tiredness and irritability.
  • Restlessness
  • Guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness.


Postnatal depression can range from light, to moderate, to serious. More severe cases include:

  • Loss of appetite.
  • Insomnia, trouble sleeping or sleeping very long hours.
  • Feeling unfit to care for a baby, or even trying to harm yourself or the baby.
  • Difficulty remembering things, concentrating, or thinking.
  • Unexplained crying spells, headaches, or pains.


If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, especially after two weeks of giving birth, you should consult a doctor to see how they can help. At Pediatric Associates of Plainview, a clinic for Levittown Pediatrics, we can run a screening test to correctly diagnose you if you are suffering from postnatal depression. 

Screening for Postnatal Depression with Levittown Pediatrics

A pediatrician has access to a few screening tools to correctly diagnose postnatal depression. Two examples of screening tools used are the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). These tools are a quick set of ten questions focused on what feelings are present and if you are experiencing certain symptoms of postnatal depression. If the screenings show that you have this condition, your pediatrician can start helping you immediately. Some treatments include:

  • Self-help: Healthy diet and exercise, sleeping well, creating a support system with friends and family.
  • Psychological therapy: A pediatrician may recommend a program to help you, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy.
  • Antidepressants: In more severe cases your doctor may prescribe you breastfeeding-safe medication to combat your depression.


No matter how strange it may feel to have depression after giving birth to your baby, know that it is common. Many women all over the world go through the same thing. With the proper care and treatment, postnatal depression is very treatable. If you believe you have postnatal depression, see a pediatrician, and receive help right away. If you are in search of Levittown Pediatrics to help diagnose and treat your postnatal depression, contact us to make an appointment today.

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Does My Child Need To Be Tested For ADHD? Ask Our Center For Levittown Pediatrics

Levittown Pediatrics & CareChildren can be quite fidgety, impulsive, and inattentive at times. Often, this behavior may be written off as “normal” for children. But hyperactivity, impulsive behaviors, and lack of attention can be the initial symptoms of ADHD. With this condition, it can be hard to differentiate between normal childish behavior in children from a true case of ADHD that requires professional help. If you notice any of these odd behaviors in your child, they should probably be tested for ADHD. Pediatric Associates of Plainview, our center for Levittown pediatrics, conducts extensive screenings for ADHD that can help give you peace of mind when it comes to your child. 

What Is ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), sometimes referred to as attention deficit disorder (ADD), is a neurodevelopmental disorder with symptoms that develop and manifest in young children, typically before the age of 12. While many children are hyperactive and don’t always seem to pay attention, a child with ADHD will show many signs and symptoms consistently and across many different situations. Without professional examination, it is very difficult to identify ADHD in children. Common symptoms of ADHD in children typically include the following:

  • Hyperactivity, fidgeting, squirming, or constant moving.
  • Inattention, difficulty listening or paying attention, or getting distracted easily.
  • Appearing to be spacy or unmotivated, and having trouble maintaining focus on tasks.
  • Talking excessively, impulsively creating noise, or having trouble playing quietly.
  • Self-focused behavior, such as trouble waiting for their turn or sharing with others.


Testing For ADHD

Since many of the common symptoms of ADHD can be vague and often apply to many children, a professional opinion from a pediatrician is recommended if you notice anything out of the ordinary. Proper screening for ADHD can evaluate your child thoroughly and determine if their actions can be attributed to the disorder, normal behavior, or something else entirely. While there is no specific test a pediatrician can administer to your child for ADHD, they can evaluate your child’s behavior in multiple areas. The pediatrician can evaluate behavior while your child is interacting with different people as well as give your child a physical examination. In some cases, they may take a noninvasive brain scan to narrow down and correctly diagnose this disorder. The pediatrician will need to gather information from many different sources, such as parents, teachers, and any babysitters or other caregivers. Overall, what goes into an ADHD screening at our location for Levittown pediatrics would include evaluating: 

  • What symptoms your child displays. 
  • How long the symptoms have been present.
  • How often the symptoms show up and affect your child.
  • How these behaviors affect you, your child, teachers, and caregivers.


A diagnosis can be made if at least six symptoms of ADHD have been present for at least six months that occur consistently across many situations. Finally, comparing your child’s behavior with other children of a similar age can be the final step for diagnosing ADHD. 

Contact Us Today for Levittown Pediatrics!

Since ADHD has so many symptoms that overlap with normal behavior and cover a wide spectrum of behaviors, it is very hard to detect by yourself. Parenting a child with ADHD can be difficult and draining, but once it is diagnosed, many options and resources are available to help. Some options include special education and therapy programs, medication treatment, and specialized ADHD coaching. While there are many ways to help your child through this disorder, the first step is getting properly diagnosed. At Pediatric Associates of Plainview, our location for Levittown pediatrics, we will screen for ADHD in your child and get them the help they need today!

What Does a Pediatrician Do?

When you think of a pediatrician, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Aside from just a children’s doctor, a pediatrician can be an invaluable piece to helping your child grow and prosper into adulthood. One of the most important decisions you make as a parent involves selecting a pediatrician. Making sure your child is receiving quality care should be your number one priority when it comes to your decision. If you are looking for Levittown Pediatrics, our local pediatrician at Pediatric Associates of Plainview should definitely be under your consideration!

How Can Levittown Pediatrics Help My Child?

A pediatrician will help to make sure your child stays healthy throughout the remainder of their childhood. In order to help keep your child healthy, a pediatrician can offer the following services:

  • They will perform physical examinations on your child.
  • Administer vaccines 
  • Track milestones and keep track of your child’s height, weight, growth, behavior, and skills. 
  • Diagnose and treat your child’s injuries, sickness, and any other potential problems with their health.
  • Answer any questions you have about the development of your child.
  • They can also refer you to a specialist if need be.


If you are expecting a newborn, your pediatrician will usually see your child 2-3 days after birth and regularly perform visits for checkups. At our center for Levittown pediatrics, we are committed to helping you raise your child to the healthiest possible degree! Your child’s comfort and peace of mind are at the top of our priorities! 

Visit Pediatric Associates of Plainview:

At Pediatric Associate of Plainview, we are able to provide an abundance of services for your child. Some of these services include a few of the following:

  • Preventive safety and health counseling.
  • Blood drawing.
  • Immunizations.
  • School, camp, and sports physical examinations. 
  • Orthopedic minor injury care.
  • Hearing and vision tests.


We also provide care for colds, earaches, rashes, sore throats, and many other acute illnesses to get your child the treatment they need at our center for Levittown pediatrics as soon as possible! 

Pediatricians are highly trained in adolescent social, mental, and physical health. You must choose the right one for your child! Make an appointment with Pediatric Associates of Plainview today and let us help your child achieve optimal health & wellness!

Anxiety In Children

Levittown PediatricsSchool or other social atmospheres such as daycare can be a great opportunity for children to learn new topics, develop ideas, form new friendships, and create a sense of self. However, navigating in new environments or uncomfortable situations can cause anxiety in some children. Whether it is a child nervous walking to their new classroom, an anxious child worrying about going outside for recess, or a child afraid to go in front of the classroom for a presentation, it is important to be able to understand anxiety in children and know how you can help. That is why here at Pediatric Associates of Plainview, a center for Levittown Pediatrics, we offer anxiety screenings so that we can properly diagnose and help children who may be suffering from it. 

What is Anxiety?

Believe it or not, it is healthy to experience anxiety from time to time. However, if anxiety persists and a person experiences it at extraordinary levels, it could be considered a disorder. Anxiety has been rooted in us since the early days of humanity. By activating our “fight-or-flight response,” It allowed our early ancestors to evade or fight off potential predators. Today, our anxiety has shifted towards work, school, money, or other social issues. Common symptoms of anxiety may include: 

  • Restlessness. 
  • Difficulty sleeping.
  • Unable to concentrate on your day-to-day tasks. 
  • Raising heartbeat and sweating.
  • Increased feeling of irritability.

Types of Anxiety In Children

If you believe your child is experiencing anxiety, look out for signs such as being clingy, crying, throwing tantrums, or being unable to sleep. Keep in mind that anxiety is not always a bad thing, and be sure to bring them to our center for Levittown Pediatrics if it becomes a concern.  

The different types of anxiety that are commonly experienced by children are:

  • Specific Phobia – Having a severe and irrational fear for a situation or thing such as fear of spiders, going in front of the classroom, or certain objects. 
  • Social Anxiety – Your child fears social situations such as being around other children at a playground or social space. They feel very anxious and self-conscious and may worry about being judged or bullied.
  • Separation Anxiety – Your child gets extremely upset when you part ways from them when dropping them off at school or daycare. 

What Should You Do? 

There are a few ways you can help your child if they experiencing high levels of anxiety, including:

  • Asking your child to name their anxiety.
  • Going to new places to help your child adapt to new environments. 
  • Being mindful of your behavior and acting as a role model for your kids (remember kids tend to mimic their parents).
  • Allowing your child to destress when needed. 
  • Giving them exposure by having them order their food at a restaurant or ask for the things they need. 
  • Bringing them to our center for Levittown Pediatrics to get a proper anxiety screening.

Levittown Pediatrics 

If you believe that your child is experiencing high levels of anxiety, you should be sure to seek out professional help as soon as possible. Consider bringing them to our team at Pediatric Associates of Plainview for an anxiety screening. We will work to assess your child’s anxiety and properly diagnose whatever problems they are facing. Don’t wait, contact us to get started today!

Questions to Ask Your Pediatrician

Do you consider yourself someone that likes to ask questions frequently to make sure things are going in a good direction? That is perfectly normal and it is actually a great idea to ask the pediatrician questions that you need to know as a parent. If you would like to learn more about Levittown Pediatrics, contact Pediatric Associates of Plainview today. We have a wonderful team that is intelligent, caring, and reliable. So please call us up to ask questions or schedule an appointment. We would love to see you. 

Questions to Ask Your Pediatrician (about your child)Levittown Pediatrics

Sometimes you may want to ask questions but don’t have the right information to do so. Here are some common questions that will help you create a good plan with you and your pediatrician. 

  •  Should I follow a schedule to feed my baby?
  • How can I know if my baby ate enough?
  • Should I give supplements to my baby?
  • How can I store my breast milk?

It is important to ask questions about a newborn child. Having a plan is nothing but a good idea. Talking to a professional will make that plan effective. If you have been looking for Levittown Pediatrics, look no further, Pediatric Associates of Plainview is here to help. 

Questions to ask your pediatrician (about them personally)

If you want to ask more questions about your pediatrician personally, then take a look at these for future reference:

  • How long have you been in practice?
  • Do you have children?
  • What is your childcare philosophy?
  • How are emergencies handled? 

These questions will give you a background of who will be taking care of your child. Ask these questions and become familiar with your pediatrician so you can feel comfortable with them. The premier pediatrics in Levittown, New York, is ready to help. Pediatric Associates of Plainview. 

Pediatric Associates of Plainview – Levittown Pediatrics

We are a small group practice with certified pediatricians ready to help you and your children. We come in to work each day thrilled and ready to work hard. Our team of doctors are caring, patient, highly skilled and responsible. Levittown Pediatrics do not work like us here at Pediatric Associates of Plainview. Visit our website today. 

How to Improve Your Child’s Immune System

Having a child can be hard sometimes, especially when they get sick. Nobody wants to see their child sick and suffering from the sniffles. Luckily, there are ways in helping to prevent this. Our bodies have a natural line of defense against germs and illnesses; it’s necessary to pay attention to our immune system and learn how we can boost our immune system to reduce the risk of getting sick. Although we do our best, sometimes our children still end up getting sick; when looking for Levittown Pediatrics, our team at Pediatric Associates of Plainview is always happy to help. 

What is an immune system?

Levittown Pediatrics

Our bodies have produced a natural line of defense against germs and other invaders that should not be our bodies, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and toxins. This system is built up of organs, cells, and proteins that work together and is called the immune system. The immune system not only does its best to prevent the body from getting sick but even when the invader has already taken over, the immune system does not give up and continues to rid the body of these invaders till the body is safe. 

Boosting The Immune System

Parents can help boost their children’s immune systems in many simple ways. The things we consume play a big part in the strength of our immune system. Foods rich in probiotics and antioxidants have been proven to boost the immune system. Some foods include: 

  • Spinach
  • Sweet potato
  • Broccoli 
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Etc. 

Exercise is also an important factor in strengthening the immune system. Keeping a healthy body gives the body an advantage when defending against germs and invaders. 

Pediatric Associates of Plainview

Our amazing team of doctors located at Levittown Pediatrics, are always available to give advice and tips on how to care for your children and even more information on the immune system. Our top priority is to provide the utmost care and comfort for your children. Parents are constantly putting their children before themselves to ensure they are always perfect, but they still get sick somehow. Schedule an appointment with us today!

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