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Vaccines Your Child Needs To Travel Internationally
It is critical that children receive vaccinations as they grow up, between 18 months to 18 years old. Vaccinations allow for their immune system to develop against harmful disease-causing organisms. It is also critical to prevent illness from spreading in your community, which is especially relevant for younger children who touch their faces often. This can occur in any public places your child frequents, especially at daycares and schools.
Vaccinations are also necessary for international travel because they protect your child and others from diseases still present in different countries. Certain countries may require proof of vaccination to enter as well.
What Vaccinations Should Your Child Have?
We advise that parents complete all childhood vaccinations before traveling, but in some instances, accelerated versions are available.
By the age of 6, your child should have received the following vaccinations:
- Hepatitis B
- Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis (DTaP)
- Haemophilus Influenzae type B (Hib)
- Polio disease
- Pneumococcal disease
- Rotavirus
- Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR)
- Varicella
- Hepatitis A
You may want additional vaccinations for your child if you are traveling internationally. The types of vaccines will depend on your destination. Our Pediatrician in Levittown, can help determine the necessary vaccines to keep your child safe.
Some additional vaccines that your pediatrician may recommend for travel include:
- Typhoid
- Yellow Fever
- Japanese B Encephalitis
- Meningitis
- Rabies
We recommend scheduling an appointment with a pediatrician about one month before you travel to get your child vaccinated and have their immunization record signed by the physician. Our Pediatrician in Levittown, are available to help on evenings and Saturdays, so if you need an emergency appointment, we are available to help.
Pediatrician in Levittown
If you are concerned your child has not received their vaccines, and you plan to travel soon, make an appointment with our Pediatrician in Levittown, to get a vaccination plan. We are ready to help. To schedule an appointment, you can visit our office or call us today at (516)822-1400.
Importance of Bloodwork for Children
Something often ignored or overlooked in our society is the importance of blood work for children. Bloodwork can detect numerous health issues, and it is essential to get blood work done on yourself and your child. Blood work can give you an overview of your child’s overall health. If blood work is ignored at an early age, you could lose the opportunity of catching a health disorder early on in your child’s life. If you’re searching for Pediatrician in Levittown, look no further than Pediatric Associates of Plainview.
Here at Pediatric Associates of Plainview, we work with children of all ages and provide wellness checks from newborns up to age 23! We are focused on providing your child with the best wellness checks and ensuring their health thrives into young adulthood. We highly recommend doing blood work with your child.
What Health Issues Can Bloodwork Detect?
Blood work can detect various health complications, from short-term illnesses to life-threatening health issues. That is why getting routine blood work is extremely important and why our amazing pediatric office is your place for Pediatrician in Levittown. We can ensure that receiving blood work is a key step in optimizing your child’s health! Here are a few health conditions that your pediatrician can detect using blood work:
- Anemia
- Cancer
- Diabetes
- Autoimmune diseases
- Malfunction of certain organs such as the kidneys, liver, or thyroid
- Infections
- Nutritional deficiencies
When do I get Bloodwork?
Blood work should be done routinely, and many people receive blood work yearly to ensure their health is exactly where they want it. There are no drawbacks to receiving regular blood work. Therefore it is up to the patient’s discretion. If you feel your child is unwell and looking for Pediatrician in Levittown, Pediatric Associates of Plainview is here to help! However, certain cases where your child should get blood work done include:
- Experiencing unusual or persistent symptoms
- You want to catch a disease or warning signs early-on
- You want to optimize your child’s health and ensure they are living the healthy life they deserve
Consulting your Pediatrician in Levittown
Getting blood work done is simple and fast, and it will leave you worry-free, knowing you’re ensuring your child’s health and safety. There’s no reason not to, and there’s no reason to be scared; the benefits of blood work are extensive. Don’t wait to get your child’s blood work done; schedule an appointment today by contacting us or visiting our website. Here at Pediatric Associates of Plainview, we provide top-tier pediatric care and are top-of-the-line Pediatrician in Levittown! We can put you and your child in a comfortable room to make the process as easy as possible.
How Often Should My Toddler See The Pediatrician?
Are you raising a toddler and unsure how often you should bring them in for an appointment with a pediatrician? The answer to this question depends on your toddler’s health as an individual. If there are known health conditions, this number will be higher. However, for toddlers with no known health conditions, it is recommended that they see a pediatrician seven times between the ages of 1-4 years old. If you’re in the area and are looking for pediatrician in Levittown for your toddler, we would love to welcome you to Pediatric Associates of Plainview.
Seven Pediatrician Visits are Recommended Between Ages 1-4
Even if your child isn’t displaying any health-related or developmental issues, they must see a pediatrician periodically throughout their toddler years. Since so much growth and development is occurring throughout these early years, it is vital that a pediatrician monitors this process, as they will be able to detect any underlying issues or warning signs pertaining to medical conditions or developmental problems. It is recommended that your child sees a pediatrician seven times between the ages of 1-4. The recommended timing of these visits is broken down below:
- Twelve months old (1 year).
- Fifteen months old (1 year and three months).
- Eighteen months old (1 year and six months).
- Twenty-four months old (2 years).
- Thirty months old (2 years and six months).
- Thirty-six months old (3 years).
- Forty-eight months old (4 years).
Why See a Pediatrician So Frequently if Your Toddler Has no Known Issues?
Toddlers develop very rapidly, and it can be confusing for a parent to determine whether or not this process is going as it should. A pediatrician will work to detect and manage any potential issues. If any underlying issues may lead to health conditions, a pediatrician will provide treatment or refer your toddler to a specialist if necessary.
A pediatrician will also evaluate your toddler for potential developmental or behavioral issues. There are common signs that your toddler is developing normally. If these aren’t present, your pediatrician will be able to detect a potential issue and assist with its management. If you’re looking for pediatrician in Levittown, we invite you to visit us at Pediatric Associates of Plainview. We would be truly honored to help you and your children.
Pediatrician in Levittown
The toddler years are vital for your child to grow into a happy and healthy adult. Make sure your toddler sees a pediatrician seven times between the ages of 1-4. If you’re looking for pediatrician in Levittown, contact Pediatric Associates of Plainview today.
How to Improve Your Child’s Immune System
Having a child can be hard sometimes, especially when they get sick. Nobody wants to see their kid sick and suffering from the sniffles. Luckily, there are ways in helping to prevent this. Our bodies have a natural line of defense against germs and illnesses; it’s necessary to pay attention to our immune system and learn how we can boost our immune system to reduce the risk of getting sick. Although we do our best, sometimes our children still end up getting sick; when looking for Pediatrician in Levittown, our doctors and the staff at Pediatric Associates of Plainview are always happy to help.
What is an immune system?

Our bodies have produced a natural line of defense against germs and other invaders that should not be our bodies, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and toxins. This system is built up of organs, cells, and proteins that work together and is called the immune system. The immune system not only does its best to prevent the body from getting sick but even when the invader has already taken over, the immune system does not give up and continues to rid the body of these invaders till the body is safe.
Boosting The Immune System
Parents can help boost their children’s immune systems in many simple ways. The things we consume play a big part in the strength of our immune system. Foods rich in probiotics and antioxidants have been proven to boost the immune system. Some foods include:
- Spinach
- Sweet potato
- Broccoli
- Garlic
- Ginger
- Etc.
Exercise is also an important factor in strengthening the immune system. Keeping a healthy body gives the body an advantage when defending against germs and invaders.
Pediatric Associates of Plainview
Our amazing team of doctors located in Levittown, are always available to give advice and tips on how to care for your children and even more information on the immune system. Our top priority is to provide the utmost care and comfort for your children. Parents are constantly putting their children before themselves to ensure they are always perfect, but they still get sick somehow. Schedule an appointment with us today!
Keeping Your Family Healthy During Cold and Flu Season
Although many people spend all year waiting for the colder months to roll around, this season is commonplace for children to get sick. Here at Pediatric Associates of Plainview, we want to help parents protect their children from illnesses during the cold and flu season. To do this, our Pediatrician in Levittown
would like to offer up some advice that is effective and easy to follow. Please continue reading this blog for more information on this topic.
Increase Hand Washing
As a parent, you should always be encouraging your children to wash their hands. However, during cold and flu season, this task becomes especially critical. Your child can pick up germs as they touch a variety of surfaces throughout the day. As more people become sick in the winter, more and more surfaces may house these germs. By having your child regularly wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water throughout the day, you increase the chances of avoiding injury.
The Flu Vaccine
Another great way to keep your child healthy is to have them get the flu vaccine. These shots are produced each year to help combat the flu strains that are most likely to be prominent. By scheduling an appointment with our Pediatrician in Levittown, this shot can be administered, allowing them to receive a more considerable degree of protection.
Additional Protection Methods
Cold and flu season can be devastating for the health of your child. That is why you must do everything in your power to keep them protected. At Pediatric Associates of Plainview, our Pediatrician in Levittown has the advice you need for you to accomplish this goal. Additional ways to keep your child healthy may include the following:
- Make sure your children are getting at least eight hours of sleep each night.
- Keep children away from those who may be sick.
- Have them avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Regularly clean and disinfect surfaces around your home.
- Provide your child with nutritionally sound meals to keep their immune system healthy.
Schedule An Appointment With Our Pediatrician in Levittown
Even after following all of the above guidelines, your child can still get a cold or the flu. When this happens, you’ll want them to receive the best care possible. Our Pediatrician in Levittown at Pediatric Associates of Plainview is well versed in helping children with these illnesses. To allow them to receive the care that they need, be sure to contact us today and schedule an appointment.
Helping Your Child With Allergies
Allergies are a natural response to harmless pollen and can be brutal for a child. Painfully, don’t seasonal allergies always seem to come around the time of important exams? Eye-itching, sniffling, and sneezing can make for low test grades and setbacks. Luckily, as an Pediatrician in Levittown group, our fine staff at Pediatric Associates of Plainview can help.
Common Symptoms:

- Runny/stuffy nose – Can range from mild to extremely annoying. Typically, children have this when they begin to sniff a lot (to stop a mucus drip).
- Itchy eyes – The eyes are typically red and irritated. It can be itchy, painful, or both. The eye can also create a lot of crust due to this.
- Throat pain – Typically comes from a mucus drip from the sinuses into the throat.
- Asthma – The body responds to breathing in pollen particles by closing the lungs. This can be life-threatening if not treated. It also makes athletics difficult unless properly treated.
- Allergy shots – Essentially, allergy shots are when a person is injected with whatever they are allergic to build immunity. This is a mixture of an oak tree, grass, or pet serums in many cases. Allergy shots could be multiple shots rather than just one of the patients allergic to a lot. They can provide relief to allergies without medication. These are prescription-based and administered at our Pediatrician in Levittown office.
- Albuterol – is used often to treat asthma. Usually, it is administered via an inhaler or nebulizer (basically a powered inhaler). It works by forcing open the lungs and could save lives. However, albuterol could be used as a daily treatment to increase the quality of life. These are prescription-based.
- Lung steroids – typically corticosteroids are an inhaler that distributes powder to be breathed in. Similar to albuterol, it opens up the airways. However, common forms like Advair cannot be used in an emergency. These are prescription-based.
- Nasal Sprays – These can be prescription-based or OTC (over-the-counter). They are intended to be squirted into the nose (both nasal cavities) to combat runny nose and excess mucus production. Name brand versions like Flonase or Nasacort are mild to very effective for treatment.
- Eye drops – These can be prescription-based or OTC. The medication is dropped into the eye (normally once or twice, twice a day). They can be very effective at treating eye pain issues from allergies.
If you witness a life-threatening allergic reaction, administer an EpiPen or inhaler and call 911 immediately. If necessary, we can recommend different medications at our Pediatrician in Levittown group to help mitigate these changes. Call us today. We genuinely care about the wellbeing of your family.
Contact Our Pediatrician in Levittown
Allergies are no fun. Seasonal allergies can even affect test grades and college placement for children. If you feel that your child is suffering from allergies, contact Pediatric Associates of Plainview today. As a Pediatrician in Levittown group, we are more than qualified to assist.
How Can I Strengthen my Child’s Immune System?
A strong immune system is vital to staying healthy. One way to strengthen your child’s immune system is to ensure they get adequate amounts of sleep. Sleep helps the body restore energy and provides time for proper recovery.
Additionally, ensure that your child eats a healthy diet filled with fresh fruits and vegetables packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Exercise can also help support their immune system as it improves blood circulation and increases the activity of natural killer cells, which play a vital role in defending against infections.
Lastly, exposing them to small doses of germs regularly can also help strengthen their immune system by allowing them to build up immunity over time, for example, encouraging your child to play outside and enrolling them in sports teams or daycare activities. Pediatric Associates of Plainview will help you keep your child strong and healthy. If you need a pediatrician in Levittown, visit our website today!
Benefits of A Strong Immune System
The benefits of a strong immune system include increased resistance to illnesses, faster recovery times, and better overall health. Children need to build a robust immune system to stay healthy and active. Following these steps can help your child maintain their immune system strong and protect them from common illnesses.
Immune System Facts
- Immune systems can be weakened by stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and medications such as antibiotics.
- The immune system is made up of cells constantly adapting to fight germs and infections.
- Exercise can help boost your child’s immune system by increasing their circulation and activity
Visit our website if you need a pediatrician in Levittown.
Contact Our Pediatrician in Levittown
Our team at Pediatric Associates of Plainview is dedicated, intelligent, and experienced. Your child’s health is as important to us as it is to you. We take our jobs very seriously because we know how precious children are, and we want to give you the tools to keep them strong and healthy. Picking the wrong pediatrician will be a headache. See the premier pediatrician in Levittown, today!
How Often Should My Toddler See The Pediatrician?
Are you raising a toddler and unsure how often you should bring them in for an appointment with a pediatrician? The answer to this question depends on your toddler’s health as an individual. If there are known health conditions, this number will be higher. However, for toddlers with no known health conditions, it is recommended that they see a pediatrician seven times between the ages of 1-4 years old. If you’re in the area and are looking for a pediatrician in Levittown for your toddler, visit us at Pediatric Associates of Plainview.
Seven Pediatrician Visits are Recommended Between Ages 1-4
Even if your child isn’t displaying any health-related or developmental issues, they must see a pediatrician periodically throughout their toddler years. Since so much growth and development is occurring throughout these early years, it is vital that a pediatrician monitors this process, as they will be able to detect any underlying issues or warning signs pertaining to medical conditions or developmental problems. It is recommended that your child sees a pediatrician seven times between the ages of 1-4. The recommended timing of these visits is broken down below:
- Twelve months old (1 year).
- Fifteen months old (1 year and three months).
- Eighteen months old (1 year and six months).
- Twenty-four months old (2 years).
- Thirty months old (2 years and six months).
- Thirty-six months old (3 years).
- Forty-eight months old (4 years).
Why See a Pediatrician So Frequently if Your Toddler Has no Known Issues
Toddlers develop very rapidly, and it can be confusing for a parent to determine whether or not this process is going as it should. A pediatrician will work to detect and manage any potential issues. If any underlying issues may lead to health conditions, a pediatrician will provide treatment or refer your son or daughter to a specialist if necessary.
Our attentive doctors will also evaluate your toddler for potential developmental or behavioral issues. There are common signs that your toddler is developing normally. If these aren’t present, your pediatrician will be able to detect a potential issue and assist with its management. If you’re looking for pediatrician in Levittown, we invite you to visit us at Pediatric Associates of Plainview.
Pediatrician in Levittown
The toddler years are vital for your child to grow into a happy and healthy adult. Make sure your toddler sees a pediatrician seven times between the ages of 1-4. If you’re looking for pediatrician in Levittown, contact Pediatric Associates of Plainview today.