Pediatrician on Long Island

Pediatrician on Long Island

At Pediatric Associates of Plainview, a pediatrician on Long Island, we are committed to being your home away from home when it comes to medicine. As pediatricians, we aim to help parents raise their children to be as healthy as possible. When making an appointment with our office, know that your child’s comfort, along with your peace of mind, is our top priority.

We’re ready to help you on a 24/7 basis. Whenever the emergency calls, we’re there! Evening and Saturday morning appointments are available. Same day sick visit appointments available.

During our 25 years in practice, we have always provided top-notch personalized pediatric care in a warm, friendly office environment.

Dr. Gail Kaden, Dr. Ilyse Nayor, and Dr. Brian Rabinowitz are pleased to introduce you to Pediatric Associates of Plainview, an independently owned and operated practice. Our philosophy, dating back to when we initially began this practice in 1999, was and is to give quality pediatric care with a personal touch.

Dr. Kaden, Dr. Nayor, and Dr. Rabinowitz are board-certified pediatricians, fellows of the American Academy of Pediatrics and members of the Nassau Pediatric Society. Since completing the residency program at Long Island Jewish Medical Center (Cohen Children’s Medical Center), all three doctors have remained involved in teaching.

Pediatrician on Long Island

What Does a Pediatrician Do?

When you think of a pediatrician, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Aside from just a children’s doctor, a pediatrician can be an invaluable piece to helping your child grow and prosper into adulthood. One of the most important decisions you make as a parent involves selecting a pediatrician. Making sure your child is receiving quality care should be your number one priority when it comes to your decision. If you are looking for a Massapequa Pediatrics, our local pediatrician at Pediatric Associates of Plainview should definitely be under your consideration!


How Can A Pediatrician on Long Island Help My Child?

A pediatrician will help to make sure your child stays healthy throughout the remainder of their childhood. In order to help keep your child healthy, a pediatrician can offer the following services:

  • They will perform physical examinations on your child.
  • Administer vaccines 
  • Track milestones and keep track of your child’s height, weight, growth, behavior, and skills. 
  • Diagnose and treat your child’s injuries, sickness, and any other potential problems with their health.
  • Answer any questions you have about the development of your child.
  • They can also refer you to a specialist if need be.


If you are expecting a newborn, your pediatrician will usually see your child 2-3 days after birth and regularly perform visits for checkups. At Pediatric Associates of Plainview, we are committed to helping you raise your child to the healthiest possible degree! Your child’s comfort and peace of mind are at the top of our priorities! 


Visit a Pediatrician on Long Island: 

At Pediatric Associate of Plainview, we are able to provide an abundance of services for your child. Some of these services include a few of the following:

  • Preventive safety and health counseling.
  • Blood drawing.
  • Immunizations.
  • School, camp, and sports physical examinations. 
  • Orthopedic minor injury care.
  • Hearing and vision tests.


We also provide care for colds, earaches, rashes, sore throats, and many other acute illnesses to get your child the treatment they need as soon as possible!  Pediatricians are highly trained in adolescent social, mental, and physical health. You must choose the right one for your child! Make an appointment with Pediatric Associates of Plainview today and let us help your child achieve optimal health & wellness!

Common Pediatric Issues

Pediatrician on Long Island

Childhood Asthma

When the lungs and airways become swollen after exposure to certain stimulates, this is known as asthma. Approximately 7 million children are affected by asthma in the United States, experiencing symptoms by the age of five. Asthma is considered to be the main cause of chronic illness in children and can seem to prevent them from going about their usual activities. If your child is experiencing symptoms of asthma, contact a Pediatrician on Long Island with Pediatric Associates of Plainview!


What causes asthma in children?

Although the causes of asthma are not completely understood, researchers are still exploring the exact causes of its development. These factors are considered to play an important role in the cause of asthma:

  • Genetics– it is common that asthma runs in the family. If you or your partner have asthma, your child has a higher chance of having it too!
  • Respiratory infections– During infancy and early childhood, your child’s lungs are still in the process of developing. If your child had a respiratory infection at a young age, this may have caused damage to the lung tissue, which would lead to long-term effects. 
  • Exposure to environmental stimulates– Viral infections, allergens, dust, irritants, whatever the case may be, this can be having an impact on your child’s asthma, especially when your child is exposed before their immune system is fully matured. 
  • Allergies– Allergies, like asthma, can be genetic and some allergies may cause symptoms of asthma to occur. 

Your Pediatrician on Long Island can help you narrow down which factor is the root cause of your child’s asthma. 


What are the symptoms of childhood asthma?

Not every child experiences the same symptoms of asthma and the same child can experience different symptoms in each episode they have. The most common symptoms are:

  • Coughing spells during the night, while laughing, or while crying
  • Shortness or loss of breath
  • Exhaustion
  • A decrease in energy levels during playtime
  • Rapid breathing
  • Expressing the feeling of chest tightness or hurting
  • Wheezing


When diagnosing your child for asthma, your Pediatrician on Long Island may ask questions regarding your child’s medical history and symptoms, perform a physical exam and tests, such as x-rays or spirometry. 


How is childhood asthma treated?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for asthma. However, there are ways a Pediatrician on Long Island can help minimize the severity of the episodes:

  • Long-term medications– these can be taken daily, which reduces your child’s airway inflammation. 
  • Quick-relief medications– these are specifically for a quick-relief during an asthma attack or prior to exercising. They can instantly open up swollen airways. 
  • Allergy medications– If the asthma is caused by allergies, your child may benefit from this, whether taken orally or nasally.
  • Allergy shots– Although getting a shot can be a child’s worst nightmare, these can reduce your child’s immune system reaction to allergens. 

There are many ways to treat your child’s asthma, all of which depend on the severity of the symptoms. Your Pediatrician on Long Island will help administer the correct treatment that is specific to your child’s asthma. If you believe your child is suffering from asthma, contact Pediatric Associates of Plainview! Our pediatricians in Plainview are dedicated to helping your child find the treatment they need!

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder that typically inhibits the success and relationships of children. Oftentimes, it can be difficult to recognize the symptoms of ADHD, as each child has a different experience and symptoms may vary. Children are often diagnosed by the age of 7, however, it can often go unnoticed until their teen years. If you think your child may be exhibiting symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, a Pediatrician on Long Island at Pediatric Associates of Plainview can offer both ADHD testing and evaluations. 


What are the signs of ADHD in Kids?

Typically, symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are exhibited at an early age. Your Pediatrician on Long Island will be able to address the symptoms that may go unnoticed. Some of the common signs in children are:

  • Selfish behavior– Children with ADHD cannot to recognize the desires and needs of others. 
  • Interrupting– If your child tends to interrupt conversations, this may be a sign of ADHD.
  • Inability to wait their turn– When playing a game with their peers, they may find it difficult to be patient while they wait for their turn. 
  • Emotional instability– It’s common for a child with ADHD to have an angry outburst at an inappropriate time. 
  • Inability to sit still– In school, children are often sitting at their desks for long periods when they are learning. If your child is squirming or fidgeting in their seat, it could be a sign of ADHD. 
  • Unfinished assignments or tasks– Your child might be showing interest in many different areas, but once they start something, they may not finish it, as something else will catch their attention. 
  • Lack of focus– When speaking directly to your child, they may be hearing you but they may not necessarily be listening. 
  • Avoidance of mental tasks– This involves doing homework or learning in class.
  • Daydreaming– When most people think of ADHD, they think of a child who is being loud and fidgeting, however, some children may be exhibiting quieter and less involved symptoms such as daydreaming or staring into space. 
  • Forgetfulness or losing their belongings– Many children may forget to do their school assignments or they may lose their toys and belongings, forgetting where they left them. 


A lot of these symptoms are common, even in those who don’t have ADHD. However, it may be time to schedule an appointment with your Pediatrician on Long Island if your child is regularly displaying these symptoms or if it is affecting their success in school and their friendships. 


How is ADHD treated?

While the treatment depends on the severity of symptoms and the opinion of your pediatrician in Plainview, there are a few different ways to treat it, such as:

  • Medications
  • Getting adequate sleep
  • Exercise
  • Meditation 
  • Music therapy
  • Diet consisting of Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Guidance from parents and teachers


If you believe your child is exhibiting signs of ADHD, schedule an appointment with a Pediatrician on Long Island with Pediatric Associates of Plainview!

The Importance of Creating a Healthy Diet For Your Kids

As a parent, it can be tough maintaining a healthy diet not only for yourself but for your children. Either you’re too busy trying to juggle it all or it’s just easier to hit the drive-thru. Perhaps your kids are picky eaters and it’s easier to have chicken nuggets every night for dinner as opposed to healthy, nutritious meals. However, it is vital that you maintain a healthy and balanced diet for your children. No matter how small, everyone needs the same nutrients and it is important to incorporate the proper amount of them into your child’s diet. If you’re having trouble getting your kids to eat healthier, there is a Pediatrician on Long Island that can help. At Pediatric Associates of Plainview, our team of dedicated physicians can work with you by offering some healthy alternatives to try out at home. 


How Can I Improve My Child’s Diet?

There are several methods you can incorporate to your child’s diet in order to improve their overall wellness. If you are not fully aware of these methods, follow these easy tips or consult with a Pediatrician on Long Island to figure out what is right for your child. 

  • Keep healthy snacks readily available – Keeping healthy snacks in the house will make it easier to enforce healthy eating habits. If this is the only option available it makes it easier for children to avoid unhealthy snacks. 
  • Serve good protein sources – Lean meats, fish, eggs, nuts, and beans are all good sources of protein to keep your child healthy and satisfied. 
  • Limit fat – Reducing fried foods and opting for grilling, broiling, steaming, and roasting can make for a diet lower in fat. Low-fat and nonfat products are also good options.
  • Decrease sugar intake – Soda and fruity drinks are huge sources of sugar. Opt for water or low-fat milk to reduce your child’s sugar intake.
  • Incorporate fruits and veggies – Although your child may not love them, fruits and vegetables are integral for a balanced diet. Your child should be having at least five servings of fruits and veggies per day and they should be served at every meal.
  • Cut out fast food and unhealthy snacks – Instead of giving your child chips that lack any nutritional value as a snack, try carrots with hummus! 
    • Of course, keep everything in moderation, so you don’t have to cut out their favorite snacks altogether. 
  • Set the example – Your kids look up to you, so whatever you do, they’re going to want to follow a similar suite. Be a role model and eat as healthy as you can so that your kids will be more inclined to opt for the same foods that you consume. 


It is wise to start your child on a healthy diet at a young age in order to help prevent obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. Additionally, a healthy diet provides vitamins, minerals, and nutrients necessary for growth and development. To make sure you’re doing everything possible to create a healthier lifestyle for your kids, consult with a Pediatrician on Long Island!   


We Can Help!

While we’ve provided some tips and tricks to help get your child on the right track, we know it can be difficult to convince them to eat right all the time. A Pediatrician on Long Island can help you figure out what your child’s diet is lacking and how to incorporate it into their daily routine. At Pediatric Associates of Plainview, we have an experienced and well-trained staff that is dedicated to helping your child live a happy and healthy lifestyle. If you need a little help in the nutrition department, contact us today to set up an appointment with a Pediatrician on Long Island.

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