13 Nov Autism Screening In Children
As a parent, inevitably, you will constantly worry about your child. Any little bump or bruise makes you nervous, and any abnormalities in behavior make you even more nervous. Although in most instances there isn’t much to stress about, it is better to err on the side of caution when it comes to your child.
When it comes to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or autism in children, many children may not get the help they need because it is often not easy to initially diagnose. If you notice anything in your child that could potentially be indicative of having autism, it is important to get them to a pediatrician right away to run a proper screening. At Pediatric Associates of Plainview, our skilled team of pediatricians wants to keep your child happy and healthy just as much as you do. Our center for Plainview pediatrics works to screen children for autism so it can be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.
How Is Autism Diagnosed?
Since there is no true medical test that can determine if a child has autism, our center for Plainview pediatrics must analyze the child’s development and behavior to make a proper diagnosis. Commonly, there can be a delay in diagnosing autism since a diagnosis of autism may not be considered truly reliable until the age of two in many cases. However, autism can still be diagnosed as young as 18 months, possibly even younger. Two main steps are taken when diagnosing autism: developmental screening and comprehensive diagnostic evaluation.
- Developmental Screening: This type of screening is used to determine if the child is learning basic skills when they should normally be, or if a delay in learning is present. The pediatrician may also suggest parents discover how the child moves, speaks, learns, and behaves on a normal basis. Children should go through this short screening process during their normal check-ups to determine if there are any developmental delays present. The screening should occur at 9 months, 18 months, and 24 or 30 months.
- Your child should be regularly screened for developmental delays, regardless if you are screening for the actual autism disorder. It is especially important for children who may be at a higher risk for developmental problems due to premature birth, low birth weight, or having a sibling with autism.
- Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluation: When testing for autism, after the developmental screening would be a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation. This evaluation is a bit more in-depth than the initial screening, as it may consist of genetic testing, hearing screening, vision screening, and neurological testing. If necessary, the pediatrician may have to refer to a specialist for any further screening and assessment.
Why Plainview Pediatrics?
At Pediatric Associates of Plainview, we understand every concern you may have regarding your child. We aim to give regular and accurate screenings to every child that we see in order to determine if they need special care as early as possible. Give your child the best pediatric care on Long Island, contact our location for Plainview pediatrics today!

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