15 Sep Tips For Getting Your Child Used To Masks
It’s certainly no secret that most children don’t like to be told what to do. However, every parents responsibility is to inform their child about the importance of wearing a mask. With so much still unknown about this virus, everyone must do their part to protect one another. Here at Pediatric Associates of Plainview, our team would like to share tips on how you can get your child used to wearing a mask.
Always Wear A Mask
Children pick up a lot of traits from watching their parents. That is why it’s so vital that you always wear a mask when leaving the house. If your child sees you doing this, they’ll start to understand that they should too.
Don’t Yell, Explain
As many parents can attest, most children don’t respond well to harsh yelling. If your child does not want to wear a mask, yelling at them will only make matters worse. To prevent this from happening, we recommend calmly explaining to them the importance of these masks. Let your children know that by wearing a mask, they are not only protecting themselves but those around them as well. Showing compassion is a great way to get this point across.
Choose Decorative Masks
Some children can get intimidated by masks that remind them of the doctor’s office or hospitals. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to make masks more personalized. Why not order them a mask that has the logo of their favorite sports team on it? If you’re able to make them, ask if they’d like to make one out of an old favorite shirt they no longer wear. You can even buy decorative fabric at the store.
Additional Tips
These are undoubtedly unprecedented times. No parents could have predicted that one day they would need to help their kids get comfortable with the idea of wearing masks to school. However, that is exactly what needs to take place. Below are a few more tips we’d like to offer that may help you achieve this goal:
- Introduce the need to wear a mask in a fun way.
- Have children wear masks during playtime so they associate it with fun.
- Make masks at home with your child.
Contact Us
At Pediatric Associates of Plainview, we promise to help get your children comfortable with wearing masks in any way that we can. For more information on how to accomplish this, or to schedule an appointment for care, contact our team today.
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