15 Mar Tips For Traveling With Children
How Can Hicksville Pediatrics Help You?
While their immune systems are still developing, children are much more likely to become sick than adults. Even if they have all of the necessary vaccinations, illness can strike at any time, especially while traveling. If you are planning on taking a family vacation this spring or summer, taking the necessary steps to keep your children healthy is a must. Our team at Pediatric Associates of Plainview, a center for Hicksville pediatrics, would like to offer some beneficial tips to follow when traveling with your children this year!
Watch What They Touch
The younger the child, the more of a natural tendency they can have to touch everything in sight. This will increase their likelihood of potential contact with harmful germs and bacteria, which can lead to illness. When traveling, make sure to watch what your child tries to grab at, and try your best to coach them to keep their hands to themselves.
Enforce Hand Washing
This tip ties directly into the previously mentioned one. When harmful bacteria are living on your child’s hands and they touch their face, mouth, or nose, it becomes easier for them to become infected. That is why, as a parent, you always need to put a focus on having your child wash their hands:
- Before eating a meal.
- After using the restroom.
- As soon as you’ve arrived at your travel destination.
Try To Avoid Crowds
Long lines or crowded waiting areas can quickly become a breeding ground for harmful, airborne bacteria. Though it may be difficult to do while traveling, making a concentrated effort to avoid crowds when you’re with children will go a long way towards keeping them healthy. If you’re traveling with a spouse, one great way to accomplish this is to have one adult wait on line alone for as long as possible, while the other waits with the KIDS in a less populated area.
Stay Hydrated
All types of travel can be both energy and fluid draining, putting your child at risk for both dehydration and viral infections. To ensure this does not happen, always have plenty of water bottles that are easily accessible during your trip.
Contact Us – Hicksville Pediatrics
Even after doing your best to keep your children healthy while traveling, illness can still strike. When your child requires a visit to a center for Hicksville pediatrics, you must always turn to a team you can trust. With a wealth of knowledge and experience at our disposal, the team at Pediatric Associates of Plainview promises to help get your children back to full health in no time at all. For more tips on traveling with children, or to schedule an appointment, be sure to contact us today!
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