16 Jan What Should Your Child Be Eating?
As we all know, children are very impressionable at a young age. The habits they pick up now can be hard to break later on in life, which is why it is so important to get your kids on the right track early. Introducing them to a healthy diet early in life is a great way to set them up for a healthy future. At Pediatric Associates of Plainview, our Pediatrician in Plainview, NY, can help you determine what your child should be eating to help them achieve proper development and maintain their overall health.
Limit The Junk Food:
In all stages of life, consuming too much junk food can lead to various health-related issues. Though foods that are filled with added sugar and saturated or trans fats can be delicious. However, consuming too much as a child can lead to problems later on in life such as some of the following:
- Obesity.
- Diabetes.
- High Blood Pressure.
- High Cholesterol.
Fruits and Vegetables:
Your child must eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. As a general rule of thumb, always try to make your child’s diet a colorful one. Each type of fruit and vegetable contains different nutrients necessary for your child’s development. By making sure your child eats every color of the rainbow, you’ll make sure they aren’t missing out on the following key nutrients:
- Potassium: Helps to regulate blood pressure and avoid muscle cramping.
- Vitamin A: Extremely beneficial to the development of a healthy immune system.
- Vitamin C: Promotes healthy teeth and gums, aids in wound healing, and reduces the risk of iron deficiencies.
- Fiber: Helps reduce the risk of constipation and diverticulitis. Consuming fiber also makes you feel full, meaning fewer calories need to be ingested.
Grains and Protein:
When considering a healthy diet, our Pediatrician in Plainview, NY, will also emphasize the importance of grains and protein. Making sure your child consumes complex grains such as brown rice, whole-wheat bread, and quinoa can help lower their risk of obesity and developing type two diabetes. They are rich in various nutrients, meaning they are essential to healthy development. Protein is also vital. Since children are constantly growing, they need to consume enough protein to meet their body’s ever-changing demands. Consuming enough protein helps to build and repair cells, enzymes, and hormones, which are all linked to proper development.
Dairy Products:
Finally, you mustn’t forget about managing your child’s ingestion of dairy products. Dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese are rich in calcium, which promotes strong bone health. As bones continue to grow through adolescence, calcium will help avoid any development issues. Dairy-rich foods also house a variety of probiotics, which are essential in maintaining proper digestive health.
Contacting Our Pediatrician in Plainview, NY:
At Pediatric Associates of Plainview, we are extremely invested in healthy development in all of our patients. Part of this process includes making sure your child is consuming healthy foods that incorporate a well-rounded diet. Our Pediatrician in Plainview, NY, can determine what your child’s diet is lacking and educate you on which foods should be consolidated. If you need assistance in determining what your child should be eating, don’t hesitate to contact us today!
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